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​                            #I AM JOURNALIST.


Journalism is the world to me. I love to write, edit, produce and speak before a public. As a University of Memphis journalism student, I strive to promote journalism throughout my college career. ​​

Through on-hands experience I work with professionals in the print and TV world of journalism. Print publication will always be my first love because of its history and its effect on the newly renovated media. Social Media is also becoming prevalent in the world of journalism. I am able to connect with different networks in order to achieve a certain goal. Either in the public relations field, print journalism, or investigative reporting.

This is my online portfolio that will include sample work and other entities that relate to #JournoIntern. Someday I plan to re-create the journalism world through special technologies and social media. With these tools the world w​ill see things never seen before.

Who   I am...


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